Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pentaho Data Integration : Google Analytics

Google Analytics service provide details about a website's traffic. This service track various statistics and can be integrated with AdWords to review online campaigns.

Pentaho Google Analytics step allows to extract Google Analytics data.
Stepwise illustration given below.

Step 1

Enable Google Analytics and generate API key.

  1. Log into using gmail id.
  2. Click on API Console.
  3. Enable Analytics API.
  4. Copy API key from API access tab.

Step 2

Create a sample transformation.
Drag "Google Analytics" step into the transformation canvas.

Step 3

Configure Google Analytics step.

Connection Settings

  • Application Name : Leave as default value " kettle plugin"
  • Email : Google account user id
  • Password : Google account password
  • API Key : API key from step 1.

Click on "Get Profiles" button to populate table id from profile.

Query Definition

  • Start Date ( YYYY-MM-DD )  : Data extract start date.
  • End   Date ( YYYY-MM-DD ) : Data extract End date.
  • Filters : Selection criteria filter for the data extract.
  • Sort : Sort by field.

  • Dimensions : Dimensions to query on.
Here are some of the commonly used dimensions.

  1. ga:continent
  2. ga:subContinent
  3. ga:country
  4. ga:region
  5. ga:metro
  6. ga:city
  7. ga:latitude
  8. ga:longitude
  9. ga:networkDomain
  10. ga:visitorType
  11. ga:visitCount
  12. ga:daysSinceLastVisit

  • Metrics  : Measures to retrieve.
 Here are some of the commonly used metrics.

  1. ga:visitors
  2. ga:newVisits
  3. ga:percentNewVisits
  4. ga:pageviews
  5. ga:pageviewsPerVisit
  6. ga:uniquePageviews
  7. ga:timeOnPage
  8. ga:avgTimeOnPage
  9. ga:exits

Step 4

Preview data.

Step 5

Specify output file or table.

Step 6

Execution results given below.

2014/03/12 12:58:05 - Spoon - Asking for repository
2014/03/12 12:58:05 - Version checker - OK
2014/03/12 14:14:41 - Spoon - Transformation opened.
2014/03/12 14:14:41 - Spoon - Launching transformation [tr_google_analytics_sample]...
2014/03/12 14:14:41 - Spoon - Started the transformation execution.
2014/03/12 14:14:41 - tr_google_analytics_sample - Dispatching started for transformation [tr_google_analytics_sample]
2014/03/12 14:14:43 - Google Analytics.0 - Finished processing (I=0, O=0, R=0, W=32, U=0, E=0)
2014/03/12 14:14:43 - write_analytics_out.0 - Finished processing (I=0, O=33, R=32, W=32, U=0, E=0)
2014/03/12 14:14:43 - Spoon - The transformation has finished!!

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